How To Become An Instagram Success: Alex Tooby Instagram Ivy League Review

how to become an instagram success in 2020

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Interested in learning how to be successful on Instagram and transform your followers into paying clients?

First, I got a couple questions for you:

  • Are you spending a ton of time on Instagram and not seeing any results?

  • Are you wondering how to bring your content in front of the right people on Instagram?

  • Are you frustrated that your engagement is half of what it used to be?

  • Are you wondering how to pick the right hashtags?

  • Have you tried posting every day, using different hashtags, creating stories but nothing is working?

If you answered YES to at least one of these questions, do not worry, I have also been in your shoes.

Everything is gonna be OK!

But, under one condition…

How bad do you want your business to be successful?

Something I learned from working at Facebook during my professional career is that Instagram does a huge clean up twice a year to get rid of bots and fake accounts.

They also modify their algorithm accordingly and with the launch of new features to encourage adoption.

Hence the reason many people get affected and see a drastic change in their stats every time this happens.

BUT here is the good news, nothing lasts forever and there are ways to avoid being affected by all these changes.

I started my Instagram account in 2015 just for fun, then in 2016 I started posting more regularly, but I had no idea of how to use Instagram really.

I did it to share experiences with my friends and family.

It is only since early 2017 that I started thinking about monetising my blog and use Instagram as my main marketing vehicle!

As you can see from the image below my account @themillennialnomad has grown steadily since April 2017.

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Do you want to know how I did it?

I already shared multiple articles on this matter on my blog that you can find below.

But there is one secret I have never shared in my past blog articles.

The secret to success no matter what you decide to do.

Here it goes:

if you want to be successful, find someone who is already where you want to be and learn as much as you can from them.

This is exactly what I did back in 2017.

I wanted to get fast results but also build something that would be sustainable in the long term.

I managed to grow my account despite all the changes thanks to an online training I took with Alex Tooby. The creator of the Instagram Ivy League and a very successful Instagram Marketer.

Thanks to her training Instagram Ivy League I managed to increase my monthly average follower rate back in 2017 up to 1000+ per month!

This is insane!!!

monthly average tmn.png

If you have followed my online journey, you know that this blog is about sharing with you my approach to marketing online and being successful at it.

You see growing your Instagram account must have a purpose.

What are you willing to achieve using Instagram as your main marketing vehicle?

Once you have your goal written black on white, then it is just a matter to finding how to get there.

Now the question is, would you try to figure everything on your own or use a GPS to help you get exactly where you want to be?

I have done both and I can tell you that the second option is way faster and less frustrating.

I thought I could find everything by myself online for free watching YouTube videos… And even if there is good content on YouTube, there is also a LOT of rubbish of pseudo gurus…

So, instead of looking for advice from people who are just seeking to gain views on their videos to get their paycheck at the end of the month.

I’d rather suggest you to learn from a pro directly.

If you already have a mature Instagram account and want to start monetising it as an influencer in your niche. Then, I would advise you to have a look at her online course.

Here’s what you can look forward to after enrolling in The Instagram Ivy League

  • 12 month access to Alex’s four phase framework

  • 70+ video tutorials

  • 15 digital workbooks & PDFs

  • 1 year of accountability

  • Alex’s Flash Sale Social Strategy

  • Alex’s Flash Sale Email Swipe Copy

And you’ll experience:

  • Confidence in your ability to use Instagram as a true marketing tool (not just a social platform!)

  • Targeted follower growth

  • Increased web traffic

  • Improved business processes (website functionality, sales technology & email marketing strategies)

  • Massive cash injections 

This is Gold!

And don’t only take my word for it, have a look at her students testimonials below

Time is your most precious asset and as a business owner, you should not waste it if you want to keep a good balance in your life.

But…I’d like to warn you right here…

The tips she shares will only work if you decide to take the necessary actions on your account and apply what she shares.

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The people who would benefit the most from it are the ones who already have a business running and would like to scale it using the simple methods she shares in her course.

If that’s sound like you, you can learn more about her course here

If you are serious about your online business and want to use Instagram like I do as your main marketing vehicle to reach the right audience.

This is for you.

My approach to business is to learn from the best in the less amount of time possible.

It surely changed my Instagram game big time.

And guess what?

Once you have a matured Instagram account, posting on Instagram is not that important anymore to run a profitable online business! #protip

I am using one of the techniques she shares in her online training Instagram Ivy League and this has been working for years!

That’s it. The secret is out!

You now know the source of my success using Instagram!

I hope her training, will help you on your online success journey.

If you found this article helpful, feel free to like it, it actually makes a difference. And if you know anyone else that could benefit from it, do not hesitate to share it with them.