Terms And Conditions

By visiting this page it is expected that you will follow and obey these terms and conditions while on this site. It is also expected that if you feel someone on this site is note following these terms and conditions that you will report it immediately to the site manager (info@alexandrekan.com) .

This site is meant to be a place that visitors can come and read honest reviews about the products they wish to purchase. If you are wondering about a product and would like to have it reviewed or you have a review that you would like to have posted please send an email to (info@alexandrekan.com). Once the review is approved it will be posted. Requesting to post a false or in any other way untrue review will lead to being band from this site.

These terms and conditions were last updated on December 18 2019 and may be changed or updated at any time without notice. Please review to this page regularly for any updates.