How To Use Facebook Ads To Grow Your Business

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Do you use Facebook ads to promote your business or brand?

The mistake most people do is to either boost their post or just use the basic targeting options available with a random ad they created in a few minutes and hope for the best!

And let me bet, you got no results or very poor results and you gave up on using Facebook ads because you throw your money through the window. Am I right?

Ads can be very powerful, but only if you know how to use them correctly.

Here are couple tips :
1. Reverse engineer your prospects ad experience

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Most people will start by setting the campaign objective and finish with the ad. Instead, do the opposite. Think about the message and the value you are providing to your prospects. The setup of the campaign is the easiest part. What matters is really the message you are willing to send out.

2. Use the Facebook pixel

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The Facebook pixel is a piece of code that allows tracking actions of users on your website. This is really powerful as when it comes to marketing, the best people you want to promote your content to are the ones who already know about you. The Facebook pixel will allow you to do just that, create audiences of people who already engaged with your content. Those are your warms leads and you will have more chances to get engagement from them.

3. Tell a story

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Most people don't believe that having a long ad copy can actually catch the attention because of the limited attention span on social media. It is all a matter of trial and errors but overall long ad copy sharing a personal story has more chance of engagement. Why? Because people resonate with authenticity. You need to share your voice so that people who see your content can resonate with you and become loyal fans. Don't be afraid, just be yourself and start today.

Those are very simple tips that 90% of people do not use for their businesses. And then they are surprised not to get any results.

And now Facebook has added a new feature to their ads to ask users for their feedback on the relevancy of the ads they see. The less relevant they are the more chances you will get your ads banned.

Information is key in the social media world. If you need any help running Facebook ads, just send me a message and I'll get back to you as soon as I can. 

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