How to Get UGC Brand Deals: Your Ultimate Guide to Landing Partnerships

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I discovered the world of UGC in 2020. Before that, I knew it was possible to get brand deals as an influencer, but that implied having a large following and influence on your audience. But since the past few years, the world of User Generated Content has opened the doors to new opportunities and many content creators are now earning a living making their career as UGC creators.

My first experience was to work with brands via the intermediary of agencies and nowadays, I feel more comfortable reaching out directly to brands I want to collaborate with.

In my experience, the key to landing UGC brand deals is to build genuine relationships with brands, understand their needs, and create high-quality content that aligns with their brand identity. I am thankful for my work experience in sales and marketing as it’s allowed me to understand what are the brand’s needs and how to best approach them. I've found that being proactive, doing your research, and providing value are key to building strong relationships with brands.

It's also important to have a clear understanding of your brand and audience and to be able to demonstrate how you can help the brand achieve its marketing goals. By following these principles, I've been able to secure multiple UGC brand deals and build a successful part-time career as a UGC creator.

In this guide, we'll explore the ins and outs of securing UGC brand deals. From understanding the value of UGC to crafting a compelling pitch, we'll cover the essential steps to land lucrative partnerships. Whether you're just starting or looking to expand your UGC portfolio, this comprehensive guide will equip you with the knowledge and strategies to elevate your brand and unlock new revenue streams. Get ready to dive into the world of UGC and uncover the secrets to building a thriving creator career.

What is a Brand Deal?

A brand deal is a partnership between a content creator and a brand where the creator creates and/or promotes the brand's products or services in exchange for compensation. This can include free products, free stays at hotels or Airbnbs, monetary payments, or other perks. Brand deals are a fantastic way to monetize your content and build relationships with companies you love.

Why Brands Want to Work with Influencers and creators

Brands are always on the lookout for authentic voices to promote their products. Here are a few reasons why brands love working with influencers:

  • Authenticity: Influencers provide genuine endorsements that resonate with their audience.

  • Targeted Reach: Brands can reach specific demographics through influencers who have a dedicated following.

  • Engagement: Influencers often have higher engagement rates compared to traditional advertising channels.

But also brands like to work with creators who have a good eye for video content creation. UGC offers a unique advantage for brands - it provides an authentic, relatable perspective that traditional advertising often lacks. Consumers tend to trust content created by their peers more than branded messaging.

By leveraging UGC, brands can tap into the power of social proof and build stronger connections with their target audience. Additionally, UGC is often more cost-effective than producing branded content, making it an attractive option for businesses of all sizes.

Steps to Get Brand Deals

1. Understand What Brands Look for in Creators

Before you start pitching to brands, it's essential to understand what they're looking for. Brands typically seek creators who:

  • Have a Clear Niche: Whether it's travel, fashion, or fitness, having a defined niche helps brands identify if you're a good fit.

  • Engage with Their Audience: High engagement rates are often more important than follower count.

  • Produce High-Quality Content: Professional-looking photos, videos, and well-written posts are crucial.

2. Develop a Professional Media Kit

A media kit is like your resume for brand deals. It should include:

  • About You: A brief introduction and your niche.

  • Audience Demographics: Information about your followers, such as age, location, and interests.

  • Engagement Metrics: Your average likes, comments, and reach.

  • Previous Collaborations: Examples of past brand partnerships.

  • Contact Information: Make it easy for brands to reach you.

I wrote a free guide on how to create your UGC portfolio that you can find here or via the link below.

If you’d like a copy of a UGC portfolio I use, you can download your free copy here

3. Pitch to Brands You Already Know and Love

Start by reaching out to brands you genuinely use and love. Your enthusiasm for their products will come through in your pitch. Here's how to craft a compelling pitch:

  • Personalize Your Email: Address the brand by name and mention why you love their products.

  • Highlight Your Value: Explain how you can help the brand reach its goals.

  • Include Your Media Kit: Attach your media kit for easy reference.

  • Call to Action: End with a clear call to action, such as scheduling a call or discussing potential collaboration ideas.

If you lack inspiration fear not, we have free online tools like ChatGPT or Gemini to help you create a draft email.

Remember, the key is to position yourself as a valuable partner who can help the brand achieve its marketing objectives.

Be prepared to showcase your creativity, audience engagement, and ability to produce high-quality content that aligns with the brand's identity. With a well-crafted pitch and a genuine interest in the brand, you'll be well on your way to securing your first UGC brand deal.

Stay persistent, and don't be discouraged if you receive a few rejections - it's all part of the process.

4. Set Competitive Prices and Negotiate

When it comes to pricing, research industry standards and set competitive rates. Be prepared to negotiate and be flexible. Here are some tips for negotiating with brands:

  • Know Your Worth: Understand the value you bring to the table.

  • Be Transparent: Clearly outline what the brand will get in return for their investment.

  • Offer Packages: Create different packages that offer various levels of promotion.

I personally use the online platform, an all-in-one platform for content creators that provides you with a pricing calculator to give you an idea of how much other creators with similarly-sized followings charge!

Of course, the price is not set in stone, it also depends on the type of packages you will offer to the brand. Everything is negotiable.

You can try it out for free using my referral link here.

5. Nurture Long-Term Relationships with Brands

Building long-term relationships with brands can lead to more consistent work and better opportunities. Here’s how to nurture these relationships:

  • Deliver Quality Work: Always deliver high-quality content on time.

  • Communicate Effectively: Keep the brand updated on your progress and any changes.

  • Show Appreciation: Thank the brand for the opportunity and express your interest in future collaborations.

Tips for Getting Brand Deals as a Small Influencer

Even if you're a small content creator or influencer, you can still land brand deals. Here are some tips to help you get started:

  • Leverage Your Niche: Brands often prefer niche creators because they have a more engaged audience.

  • Join Influencer Platforms: Sign up for platforms like, Tribe, and Heartbeat to connect with brands.

  • Offer Product Reviews: Start by offering to review products in exchange for free samples. This can help you build your portfolio.

How to Approach Brands as an Influencer

Approaching brands can be intimidating, but it doesn't have to be. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  1. Research Brands: Identify brands that align with your niche and values.

  2. Find the Right Contact: Look for the marketing or influencer relations contact on the brand's website or LinkedIn.

  3. Craft a Personalized Pitch: Write a personalized email that highlights your enthusiasm for the brand and how you can add value.

  4. Follow Up: If you don't hear back, follow up after a week. Persistence can pay off.

How to Negotiate Compensation with Brands

Negotiating compensation can be tricky, but it's essential to ensure you're fairly compensated for your work. Here are some tips:

  • Start with a Rate Card: Use the pricing calculator I shared with you earlier and have a rate card that outlines your prices for different types of content.

  • Be Open to Negotiation: Be willing to negotiate and find a middle ground that works for both parties.

  • Consider Non-Monetary Compensation: Sometimes, brands may offer products or other perks instead of cash. Evaluate if this is worth it for you. This is ideal when you get started building your portfolio

Landing Better Brand Deals

To land better brand deals, focus on building a strong personal brand and consistently producing high-quality content. Here are some additional tips:

  • Stay Authentic: Authenticity is key. Only promote products you genuinely believe in.

  • Engage with Your Audience: Respond to comments, ask questions, and build a community.

  • Keep Learning: Stay updated on industry trends and continuously improve your skills.

FAQs on Getting Brand Deals

Q: How do I get started with brand deals?

A: Start by building a strong personal brand, creating a media kit, and reaching out to brands you love.

Q: What should I include in my media kit?

A: Include an introduction, audience demographics, engagement metrics, previous collaborations, and contact information.

Q: How do I find brands to pitch to?

A: Research brands that align with your niche, join influencer platforms, and network with other creators.

Q: How do I negotiate with brands?

A: Know your worth, be transparent about what you offer, and be open to negotiation.

Q: Can small influencers get brand deals?

A: Yes, small influencers can get brand deals by leveraging their niche and joining influencer platforms. I started by using influencer platforms to better understand the whole process involved. Once I did I was comfortable reaching out and negotiating with brands directly.

Ready to Land Your First Brand Deal?

Getting brand deals can be a game-changer for your content creation journey. By understanding what brands look for, developing a professional media kit, and pitching to brands you love, you can start landing partnerships and monetizing your content.

If you need help, I invite you to join my free online community where I share tips and free resources to help you on your content creation journey and monetise your content.

I’d love to hear about your experiences and see the content you create! Share your thoughts and links to your work in the comments below.

Don’t forget to follow this blog for more travel tips and stories.

If you’re just getting started and wondering how to transition from your 9 to 5 to monetising your content creation skills, I invite you to download my free guide. It’s packed with valuable insights to help you find how to unleash your passion for creativity and make the most of your adventures.

Happy creating!