Dublin In Wonderland


I have known Dublin since 2007, have travelled back and forth between Ireland and France couple times a year for nearly 2 years and now have lived here for more than 5 years. BUT I never experienced Dublin with so much snow.

It was an incredible experience and also a very funny one. Just type #stormemma on Twitter if you want to have a look at how some people managed to turn "the beast from the East" into a comedy show. It was hilarious.

However, Dublin was like a ghost town for nearly 3 days, all the shops were closed, schools and offices were also closed and the roads were full of snow with some part of the country having up to 50cm of snow!

A pretty unfamiliar sight here in Ireland where winter are usually quite mild.

For the first time in Ireland I put on my winter gear and went out on a photoshoot walk in the empty streets of Dublin where only photographers decided to come out to capture this unique moment despite the Red alert weather warning! #thestruggleisreal #doitallforthegram

Here are below couple shots from the snowy episode.

If you wish to see more photos of Dublin under this blanket of snow, you can access my photo gallery by clicking here.

Safe travels

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