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Travel Blog Example: How This Simple SEO Strategy Boosted Traffic To my travel blog

Ever dreamed of turning your travel adventures into a popular blog? Me too! Back in 2015, I started a blog just for fun, a way to share my trips with loved ones. SEO (Search Engine Optimization) wasn't even on my radar – it all felt like complicated code. But in 2020, I decided to dive into the world of SEO and learn how to make my blog shine brighter online.

It's been a long adventure, and I'm definitely still learning. But guess what? My keywords are climbing the Google ranks, and a few of my blog posts are even snagging that coveted first-page spot!

That means a steady stream of visitors each month, all without any ads. Now, all I gotta do is keep creating fresh content to bring in even more organic traffic from Google.

So, with a few years of experience under my belt, I'm excited to share some tips that have helped me write travel blog posts that Google loves. Let's crack the SEO code together and turn your travel stories into a thriving online adventure!

Step 1: Keyword Compass – Finding What Travelers Crave

Before you type a word, gotta figure out what travel-hungry peeps are searching for online. I explain everything about search intent more in detail in my blog challenge to help you start a blog and earn your first income in 7 days.

That's where Keysearch comes in – your keyword detective agency!

We'll use it to find those long, specific searches that travelers use a lot (think 500+ searches a month) but with not too much competition. For example, instead of just "travel blog," we might target "hidden gems in Budapest."

Keysearch also helps uncover those burning questions travelers have, which become the gold for your blog post titles!

Stop guessing what to write and start answering the questions people are wondering from the experience you have had during your trip. Ideally, you should be doing your research prior to your trip to make it easier on you.

Step 2: Content Creation – Weaving Keywords into Epic Tales

Now you have your keyword compass, let's write! But remember, SEO doesn't mean shoving keywords in like a backpack overstuffed with souvenirs.

Focus on sprinkling the keyword naturally throughout your post, making it flow smoothly and read like an awesome travel story. Think of it like painting a picture with words, taking readers on adventures and showing off amazing places.

  • Add the keywords in your headings as much as you can because this is how Google crawlers will know what the topic of your blog is about.

  • Add the keywords in the description of the images you add to your article.

  • Add the keywords in the title and meta description of your blog.

Step 3: Visual Appeal – Photos That Wow (and Don't Slow You Down!)

Breathtaking pics are a must for any travel blog. But here's a secret most newbies miss: image size matters!

Giant files can make your blog slow, like a turtle with a heavy backpack.

Use a free tool like to shrink them before uploading.

While you're at it, sprinkle in some SEO magic to your image titles by adding the keyword and a short description for the search engines to understand.

(Think "Budapest Travel Guide - Fisherman's Bastion View"). Also, in Squarespace, go to the SEO tab of your blog article to add the title and meta description.

Step 4: Pinterest Power & Tailwind Time-Saving

See this content in the original post

Let's make your blog posts Pinterest superstars! Tailwind is a lifesaver for creating stunning blog post thumbnails and Pinterest images that look amazing on both platforms.

Just like with your blog post pictures, remember to shrink them down and use those relevant keywords. Here are two blog articles where I share how I use Pinterest and Tailwind to grow my blog traffic.

Step 5: Meta Description Marvel – Short & Sweet for Maximum Impact

Imagine the meta description as a tiny ad for your blog post in search results. Space is tight, so write a draft and then use a cool AI tool called ChatGPT to help you shorten it while keeping the focus on the keyword.

This little snippet is your chance to grab readers' attention and make them click through to your travel adventures!

Step 6: Promotion Paradise – Spreading the Travel Bug

Every blog post deserves a grand send-off! I created a master list in Google Sheets to plan and track all my promotional activities.

I wrote you a guide about places where to promote your blog post after hitting the publish button.

Don't forget the super important step – indexing your new post with Google Search Console. This helps Google find your amazing content faster (usually within 48 hours). Copy and paste the blog post URL into Google Console and hit submit for indexing.

Step 7: SEO Tracking with Ahrefs – Monitoring Your Journey

Keysearch is great for initial keyword research, but for deep dives into SEO tracking, you need Ahrefs – your trusted SEO companion.

This powerful tool lets you see how your blog's SEO health is doing month by month.

You'll see how many new keywords you've ranked for, how you compare to other travel bloggers, and even find opportunities to get linked to by other websites. Seeing this steady growth is super motivating and helps you keep creating top-notch travel content.

How to write a blog, example

So to sum up, next time you're planning a trip, stop just flipping through guidebooks.

Instead, use clever tools like Ahrefs or Keysearch to become a keyword detective!

These websites help you uncover hidden travel keywords that lots of people search for (think over 500 searches a month) but aren't too competitive.

By finding these "low difficulty" keywords, you can create blog posts that people are actively looking for and where you have a good shot of ranking high in search results.

Here's the magic: sprinkle these keywords throughout your blog post, from the catchy title and headings all the way down to the image descriptions.

Think of it like giving search engines tiny hints about your amazing travel adventures.

The more they understand your content, the better chance fellow travel enthusiasts will discover your stories.

So, with your keyword compass in hand and a list of search-worthy destinations and experiences, you're ready to craft a travel blog that becomes a reliable guide for curious explorers around the world!

Remember, SEO is a marathon, not a sprint.

Consistent effort is key to climbing the search engine ranks and attracting a loyal readership. By following these steps and continuously creating valuable travel blog content that adheres to best practices, you'll be well on your way to becoming a travel blogging authority. Here are some additional tips to supercharge your SEO efforts:

  • Optimize for Mobile Devices: More and more people are searching the web on their smartphones and tablets. Ensure your travel blog is mobile-friendly to provide a seamless user experience and avoid getting penalized by search engines.

  • Build High-Quality Backlinks: Backlinks are essentially votes of confidence from other websites. The more high-quality backlinks you have pointing to your blog, the higher your website will rank in search results.

  • Engage with Your Audience: Respond to comments, answer questions, and participate in discussions on your blog. This not only fosters a sense of community but also keeps visitors coming back for more.

By implementing these best practices alongside the workflow you've learned today, you'll unlock these SEO benefits:

  • Increased Organic Traffic: Attract more readers organically through higher search engine rankings.

  • Enhanced Brand Awareness: Gain greater visibility online and establish yourself as a trusted travel resource.

  • Boosted Credibility: High-quality backlinks and audience engagement demonstrate the value and authority of your travel blog.

  • Sustainable Growth: Consistent SEO efforts lead to long-term growth and a thriving travel blog community.

So, pack your SEO backpack with these tools, fuel your passion for exploration, and get ready to embark on a journey that will take your travel blog to exciting new heights! The world awaits your stories, and with a solid SEO strategy, you'll have the power to share them with the world without the need for ads or any social media platforms.

If you enjoyed reading this article, make sure to like it, it actually makes a difference. And if you know anyone who’d find it helpful, do not hesitate to share it with them.

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