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How to Pitch Brands: Your Ultimate Guide to Landing Partnerships

In today's competitive digital landscape, having strong creative assets is essential for any marketing strategy. With consumers bombarded with countless choices, businesses need to stand out with high-quality, relevant content that resonates.

Maximizing the number of assets helps brands engage customers more effectively and tailor ads to their unique needs and preferences.

However, creating a diverse range of assets can be expensive, complex and time-consuming for brands.

That's where we, as content creators, come in to help!

Ever dream of jet-setting around the world, all while getting paid to share your adventures? Well, it's totally possible! I'm here to spill the tea on how many content creators land some incredible brand deals turning their passion into a profitable career and how you can do the same.

If you’re sitting there thinking, “I wish that could be me,” well, you’re in the right spot.

I have financed my travels around the world thanks to content creation and believe me it is not rocket science! If I can do it, so can you.

examples of past work i have done with brands and businesses that financed my travels around the world

Whether you’re just getting started or have been at this travel thing for a while, I’m here to help you turn your passion into profit.

In this guide, I’ll show you exactly how to pitch to brands and land those dream collaborations—even if you’re just starting. Ready to take the leap?

Understanding Brand Expectations

First things first, let's get real. Brands are looking for creators who:

  • Know Their Niche: They want someone who's passionate about a specific travel niche, whether it's backpacking, luxury travel, or eco-tourism.

  • Engage Their Audience: Your followers should be more than just numbers. They should be engaged and excited about your content.

  • Produce Quality Content: High-quality photos, videos, and well-written captions are a must.

Crafting Your Killer Media Kit

Your media kit is your digital resume, so make it count! Include:

  • Your Story: Share your travel journey and what makes you unique.

  • Audience Insights: Give brands a clear picture of who your followers are.

  • Engagement Metrics: Show them how much your audience loves your content.

  • Previous Collaborations: Highlight any successful partnerships you've had.

If you do not have a media kit yet, you can use my media kit template below for free.

Pitching to Brands You Love

The best way to land brand deals is to pitch brands you genuinely admire. Your enthusiasm will shine through!

And nowadays, User-Generated Content (UGC) is a powerful way to showcase a brand's products through authentic content created by users.

Here’s how to pitch brands for UGC:

  1. Research the Brand: Understand the brand's target audience and how your content can align with their goals.

  2. Find the Right Contact: Identify the decision-maker, often found on the brand's website or LinkedIn.

  3. Define Your Value Proposition: Clearly articulate what you offer and how it benefits the brand.

  4. Craft a Compelling Pitch: Personalize your pitch, highlight your unique value, and include examples of your work. Show them you've done your research and know their brand. Clearly state what you want from them, whether it's a collaboration or a product review.

  5. Showcase Your Portfolio: Include a link to your portfolio or attach examples of your best UGC.

  6. Highlight Your Audience: Share insights about your audience demographics and engagement rates.

  7. Be Professional: Maintain a professional tone and format in your communications.

Here is an Email Template example for a travel gear company:

Subject: Let's Explore Together! 🌍

“Hey [Brand Contact],

I'm [Your Name], a passionate [Your Niche] traveler. I've been following your brand for years and love [Specific product or feature].

I believe our audiences would be a perfect match. My followers are [Describe your audience]. I'm confident I can help you [Highlight how you can help the brand].

Check out my media kit for more details on my reach and engagement. I'd love to chat more about potential collaborations.


[Your Name]”

Remind yourself that it may take several attempts before you nail down the perfect pitching email template, and that’s completely okay.

In fact, experimenting with different angles is the best way to discover what really resonates. Whether you’re using a curiosity-driven headline, a bold and affirmative opener, or even a touch of mystery, each pitch is a learning experience.

The key is to keep refining your strategy with each try, knowing that every “trial and error” brings you one step closer to the perfect pitch that grabs a brand’s attention.

4. Set Competitive Prices and Negotiate

Don't be afraid to negotiate your rates! Remember, you're providing valuable content.

Here's a tip: offer different package options to give brands flexibility. Preferably 3, with one being the most attractive package you want people to pay for.

When it comes to pricing, research industry standards and set competitive rates. Be prepared to negotiate and be flexible. Here are some tips for negotiating with brands:

  • Know Your Worth: Understand the value you bring to the table.

  • Be Transparent: Clearly outline what the brand will get in return for their investment.

  • Offer Packages: Create different packages that offer various levels of promotion.

Not sure what to offer, read this article below where I show you exactly how you can monetise your content and how much you should charge.

How to Get UGC Brand Deals: Your Ultimate Guide to Landing Partnerships

5. Nurture Long-Term Relationships with Brands

The key to a thriving UGC career lies in building sustainable relationships with brands. Unlike beginners who often struggle with a constant search for new clients, professionals prioritize nurturing existing partnerships. You want those repeat customers for as long as possible.

This not only ensures a steady stream of income and work but also opens doors to better opportunities and higher rates.

Here's how to cultivate these long-lasting relationships:

  • Deliver Quality Work Consistently: Ensure your content meets or exceeds brand expectations, delivered promptly and professionally.

  • Maintain Open Communication: Keep brands informed of your progress, share insights, and be proactive about addressing any concerns.

  • Express Gratitude: Show appreciation for the opportunity to collaborate. This fosters a positive working relationship and increases the likelihood of future partnerships.

6. Tips for Getting Brand Deals as a Small Influencer

Even if you're a small influencer, you can still land brand deals. Here are some tips to help you get started:

  • Leverage Your Niche: Brands often prefer niche creators because they have a more engaged audience.

  • Join Influencer Platforms: Sign up for platforms like AspireIQ, Tribe, and Heartbeat to connect with brands.

  • Offer Product Reviews: Start by offering to review products in exchange for free samples. This can help you build your portfolio.

How to Approach Brands as an Influencer

Approaching brands can be intimidating, but it doesn't have to be. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  1. Research Brands: Identify brands that align with your niche and values.

  2. Find the Right Contact: Look for the marketing or influencer relations contact on the brand's website or LinkedIn.

  3. Craft a Personalized Pitch: Write a personalized email that highlights your enthusiasm for the brand and how you can add value.

  4. Follow-up: If you don't hear back, follow up after a week. Persistence can pay off.

Looking for brands to potentially partner with and identifying the right person to contact can be quite tedious when you do it manually, and to be honest that must be what takes the most of our time as creators when it comes to content creation.

But you know me, I am all about using the Pareto principle. If something can be done for me quickly while I can do the minimum effort, I am up for it.

Introducing Bento.

This is an AI-driven platform for content creators, streamlining company outreach and inbox management to help you land brand partnerships quickly.

Here is how it works:

Bento looks on the internet for brands that work with UGC creators

  • Find the best contact person & validate their email addresses

  • You browse brands you’re interested in reaching out to, and they help you create unique email templates so you can personalize emails (and follow-up emails!!) with just a click of a button!

  • They offer various subscription plans to match your needs and you can start for free!

Try it yourself and let me know your thoughts/ I have used it for a while now and this has helped me identify brands I would have never thought of and find the most relevant contact in a matter of a few clicks. All the research work is done for you and it is a time saver.

Use my referral link to receive an additional 5 email credits per month forever.

FAQs on Pitching Brands

Q: How do I pitch to brands? A: Start by researching the brand, crafting a personalized pitch, and highlighting your value proposition. Include your media kit and follow up if needed.

Q: What should I say when DMing brands? A: Keep it short and sweet. Introduce yourself, mention why you love the brand, and express your interest in collaborating. Ask for the best contact to discuss further.

Q: How do I pitch brands for UGC? A: Research the brand, find the right contact, define your value proposition, craft a compelling pitch, showcase your portfolio, and highlight your audience.

Q: How do I write a pitch to a brand? A: Use a catchy subject line, introduce yourself, highlight your value proposition, include a call to action, and follow up if necessary.

Ready to Land Your First Brand Deal?

Landing brand deals can be a game-changer for your travel content creation journey. By understanding brand expectations, developing a professional media kit, and pitching effectively, you can start monetizing your content and building lasting partnerships.

Remember: Keep creating amazing content, build a strong online presence, and never stop dreaming big!

Personal Experience

I've personally landed brand deals using three main methods:

  1. Influencer Partnerships: Working with brand agencies to promote products or services to my audience has been a valuable experience.

  2. UGC Content Creation: Collaborating with agencies to produce user-generated content has provided me with steady income and opportunities to showcase my skills.

  3. Direct Outreach: Don't be afraid to reach out to brands directly. Use the tips I've shared in this article to craft compelling pitches and land those dream deals.

My Recommendation

If you're just starting out, I highly recommend exploring both influencer partnerships and UGC creation to gain experience and build your portfolio. This approach allows you to diversify your income streams and increase your chances of success.

Additional Tips

  • Network with Other Creators: Building relationships with other content creators can lead to valuable opportunities and collaborations.

  • Stay Updated on Industry Trends: Keep up with the latest trends and best practices in the content creation industry.

  • Be Patient: Landing brand deals takes time and effort. Don't get discouraged if you don't see immediate results.

By following these tips and staying persistent, you can turn your travel content creation into a successful and rewarding career.

Ready to take your travel content creation to the next level?

Join my exclusive online Academy for just $29/month and learn my exact step-by-step approach to landing paid brand deals. Discover how to find remote job opportunities, design your ideal travel lifestyle, and unlock the secrets to sustainable income.

Click here to enroll now and start your journey to financial freedom and adventure.

If you enjoyed reading this article, make sure to like it, it actually makes a difference. And if you know someone that would find it helpful, do not hesitate to share it with your network.

To your success!

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