Alexandre Kan Visuals

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After work talk with Jamie White

I recently went to an after work event organised by a community of Instagramers based in Dublin. Thank you @igersdublin for organising it.

It is a great way to network with people who want to turn their passion into a full-time job and become in the long run their own boss.

But it is also great to meet and chat with people who have already succeeded as they can provide you with tips for your business but also bring another perspective on a topic you thought you knew enough about!

Our guest speaker was Jamie White. A successful young Irish entrepreneur who created, established and sold &, two websites that collectively reached over 100 million millennials weekly.

Now, he works with brands on their social media marketing through his business Leading Social, and is also speaking about topic related to social media entrepreneurship.

One of his best advice to all people willing to start their online entrepreneurship goal:

"When you start, have a goal in mind, get inspiration, but do not compare yourself to successful people in your field"

And he is absolutely right. These people have most of the time years of experience in their feld
I.e. if you want to make videos on youtube for instance, do not compare yourself to Casey Neistat, Peter McKinnon, Funforlouis, d4darius etc...

Compare yourself, if you have to, to people who are at the same level as you are and why not collaborate on projects to help one another channel's grow!

So, follow your guts, create value and be consistent.

The rest will follow naturally! ðŸ™‚

Until the next one,

Don't forget to live your life to the fullest,

Life is short, create memories